Lost Your Sense of Smell?

Have you or someone you know lost Their sense of smell due to the current seasonal threat?

If you’re looking for what to do, or how to naturally support your body to regain your sense of smell. This might be worth exploring.

I recently attending a virtual wellness conference where olfactory training research was introduced to me to help with loss of sense of smell. This is a common indicator of the current seasonal threat and can linger long afterwards. With the help of some concentrated, distinct aromatics, it has shown some promising support for recovery.

Olfactory training or “smell training” is simply helping the brain recognize (remember) common distinct smells (floral, fruity, spicy, and resinous) to bring improvement to smelling things normally again.

A paper published by the Journal of Medical Internet Research from a study done in France, concluded that the olfactory training was very effective and significant for improvement.

But how long did it take?

The study was done over the course of a few months, and although people varied in recovery time (some days, others longer), the most significant improvements were seen especially by the 28 day mark.

The Essential Oils

You may not have all the specific essential oils shared above, but each are represented to use an oil from each category. I’ve linked up the oils, along with the discount account (making them less expensive and the account is good for up to a year). These essential oils (and others) will be useful in diffusing in an ultrasonic diffuser and continuing to receive the aromatic benefits once your smell is returned.



Disclaimer: All content and media on The Holistic Spark website is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

Catherine Carrigan