How to Create a Simple Wellness Routine with Essential Oils

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Essential oils enhance our lives in many ways, beyond smelling nice in our diffusers, they have many properties that promote wellness in the body. If we want to be healthy, we find it in our routines. If you want to get in shape, you need to exercise/workout more than just once, right? Want to eat better? It needs to be intentionally planned every day, not just a single nutritious meal. The same goes with getting the most from our essential oils (and I’ll add supplements). Wellness shows up in our routines and small decisions we make daily that add up to impactful results.

To really drive how important this is, I want to look at it with you in reverse.

Here’s an opposite perspective, instead of imagining doing it all, all the healthy things and going into total overwhelm, imagine if you did nothing different at all? How does that feel? In one year, five, to ten years does doing nothing different bring you to the place in life that you really want to be? This thought is a huge motivator for me. “Nothing changes if nothing changes.” The truth is, many of us are pulled to bettering ourselves.

Lets try something different. Maybe instead of taking on all kinds of massive changes and challenges, you SIMPLIFY. You add a few good things that are manageable and enjoyable. Things that enhance your life and move you closer to your goals. As you get in routine and develop them into habits, you’ll know when you are ready to take on more. Maybe, just maybe, this could be the missing piece that has prevented you from having joy & fulfillment from finding success with your health goals, all because it’s been an overcomplicated process. That consistency felt impossible and you’ve lost trust with yourself. Lets look to essential oils as bringing us simplicity in this wellness journey. It’s time to honor yourself by not biting off more than you can chew. So lets peel it back to figure out exactly how to begin reaping more benefits from our essential oils. We will look at three key ways to simplify and begin a health promoting essential oils wellness routine.

#1 Your essential oils routine should be personal to your health & lifestyle goals.

Start by identifying one or two areas you want to support. Not sure? Think to why you invested in high quality essential oils to begin with? Name those things and select a few oils that will help in those areas. If you’re unsure WHICH essential oils to reach for, a few resources that I like to use personally are the “Discover Solutions” on doTERRA’s website and the Essential Life app. Both of these resources guide me to essential oil and supplementation suggestions that holistically support my health goals. By being more intentional with this area alone, it will bring about positive changes and get you moving in the right direction.

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#2 Place your essential oils in places easily accessible.

Those slick looking wooden boxes and oil holders look nice and do serve a purpose, however your essential oils are meant to be seen and used in more than just one place. Let me share a few personal examples to get you thinking of where you may like to place them.

In the kitchen I keep essential oils for our morning routine with the kids. This typically consists of an OnGuard protective blend roller for a quick swipe of oils behind the neck as they’re heading off to school for immune support. Alongside this oil blend is Citrus Bliss invigorating blend for a drop brushed through the hair or on aromatherapy jewelry to help uplift the mood. We have kids whole-food based supplements (A to Z by doTERRA is what we use) and kids probiotics called PB Assist Jr.

Also in the same "oil station” are citrus oils for additional cleansing properties in my water. Peppermint oil is within reach to help me energize and wake up in the morning. I will add it to the diffuser blended with a citrus oil, or just add a drop into the palm of my hands and breathe it in. Next, cue the coffee!

In the bathroom, I have my natural skincare products right alongside essential oils that support my skin and enhance my self care. Yarrow Pom oil and body serum is my personal favorite to add to my moisturizer, as well as Immortelle anti-aging roller to apply directly to any spots or around the eyes.

The kid’s bathroom has a few oils that make it super quick and easy to refill diffusers for our bedtime routines. Lavender and epsom salt in the bath and Serenity restful blend & Breathe respiratory blend for diffusers. We get the diffuser ready 10 minutes before the kids head to bed and they are ready for a deeper, more restful sleep.

Point being, get them out of the box. REPEAT. Get them out of the box! These are all examples, and our home has oils now in practically every single room. You’ll get there. You’re going to love it. As you start to see things shifting and progressing positively in your wellness and health goals, you’ll be excited to go deeper with essential oils.

#3 Jumpstart Your Healthy Habits & Build from There

If you’ve been known to keep your oils in a box somewhere and haven’t started adding them to routines, you’re going to love the start of this. Maybe you have been using them here and there, but are looking for a daily routine, this will be a beautiful launch.

Incorporating oils to your daily routines will help you reach your health goals faster and with more joy. Enjoying the process is part of the journey. Allow these essential oils to encourage you to open other doors and areas of your health that you’d love to uplevel.

For example, when I first began with oils I had two goals in mind when I purchased my starter kit (I’ll link up those HERE). I wanted to have access to a more holistic “medicine cabinet” and get a handle on green cleaning and detoxing my home. Once I felt these things had become routine, it freed me up to add additional goals like better sleep for the family and cleansing/supplementation for myself.

We are always progressing when we are intentional with what happens daily.

By working on one area at a time it keeps you out of overwhelm. You start to see results and feel more confident. This confidence gives you the motivation to keep growing in your wellness journey. Healthy living is a lifestyle. It’s not taking care of yourself here and there, but being very intentional with how you are living your day-to-day. A final note I’ll leave you with is to ask yourself, “is this routine/habit supporting the life I’m trying to create?” You’ll find many things will no longer serve you and you’ll make room for the new.


Catherine Carrigan