Why Skip the Grocery Store Essential Oils
Why we all should skip the grocery store essential oils.
Have you ever wondered about all the different essential oils brands, names, blends, and labeling? Maybe you’ve scouted around different ones and compared prices. You might have found yourself sold on “organic only” to have some type of assurance of quality, but still you’re realizing that there is more to it than just a label that’s stuck on the bottle.
I was in Whole Foods and decided to check out the essential oils section. A manager approached me and asked if I needed help. I respectfully declined and let her know I was just comparing pricing and reading labels of the oils. I explained how I use doTERRA oils and was interested in how I can better educate people on essential oils through comparisons from what is available in the grocery stores. She shared openly that she didn’t really know the difference between the two, but that they have oils that are considerably cheaper.
I shared a bit on why that was the case. She said how the label of the oils says “100% pure” so it must be so. We had a very teachable moment about how their is actually no governing body over essential oils. Did you realize that? That it’s similar to the food labeled “natural” when there is nothing natural about it? I flipped over the bottle and it read “for external use only” on lemon oil that was 30ml for $7. You guys, it’s 7 bucks for a reason. If we pulled a chemistry report on this oil you’d see why you can’t use it in cooking or baking. Why you shouldn’t be putting it in your sugar scrubs, applying topically on your kids, or breathing it in through a diffuser.
There is a MAJOR difference between grocery store oils and doTERRA. If you are looking for essential oils to replace synthetic fragrances, don’t go for the cheap ones. Especially if you are looking to use them therapeutically as an alternative to medicine. It simply won’t do what you are looking for the oils to do, because it’s not actually a pure essential oil. I’m hoping this makes sense and that you’re more aware of the difference. Oils at the grocery stores are often filled with synthetics themselves, fillers, and pesticides. As an example, oils from Walmart were tested through GCMS testing and had hardly any traces of any actual essential oils from plants. People looking to do better are getting fooled. I’m not okay with that.
The first time I used doTERRA essential oils was with my son they worked so well in supporting his body the way we were hoping they would, needing them to. It wasn’t by accident. It was because that’s what pure, properly sourced essential oils do. They work. Lives are changed with a few simple drops of oils. It’s why I love this work and that I get to pour into others and help others learn how to use them. Education on the difference is the very key. When you are working to live a more holistic, healthier lifestyle you need to make wise choices in all areas. Essential oils are an important one.